The Bridge Plus+

In 2019, Elizabeth Morgan (University of East Anglia) took part in a twelve-month placement at The Bridge Plus+ a ‘Norfolk based black/Asian and minority ethnic (BME) organisation aimed at improving community cohesion through innovative community engagement activities and service delivery to promote race equality and community cohesion’.

Elizabeth says: “In January 2019 I started what was planned as a six-month placement at The Bridge Plus+ . In the end, I stayed almost 12 months, and even then it was a struggle to leave. I was delighted to be closely involved with the frontline work of the organisation, but at the same time it was a sobering insight into the impact of austerity politics on vulnerable individuals and on the limited resources of the third-sector organisations who support them.

I would like to thank CHASE and The Bridge Plus+ for making this placement possible; I can say without a doubt that it was one of the most enriching and rewarding experiences of my life.”

Bridge Plus+ Executive Coordinator, Béatrice Humarau says: “The Bridge Plus+ never had any student placement before Elizabeth joined the team in January 2019. Her placement has brought about many benefits to our team and our organization. Thanks to her ability to research and analyse complex information, Elizabeth quickly became an integral part of the team.”


Muscaliet Press


British Archive of Contemporary Writing